Flexible Simulation
- Ensembles: NEV, NTV, NPH and NTP
- The time evolution of the equations of
motion is determined by Gear or Hernandez
- Temperature and pressure-controlled MD
simulations through employment of
Parinello-Rahman, velocity scaling method
and Nose methods
- SHAKE and MATRIX algorithms for
stretch-bond constraint
- Periodic boundary conditions available
- Rigid-body treatment for small molecules
- Initial relaxation – prevents drift in
liquid/amorphous simulation
- External fields: electrostatic,
magnetic, gravitational, containing sphere
and elastic energy correction
- Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics for
thermal conductivity calculations
- Charges Definition Tool (QEq) –
determines the atomic charges of the
Extensive Potentials
- Materials Explorer provides standard
potentials library containing parameter
values that have been well tested for a
variety of systems of chemical & physical
interests. The potential library is
comprised of numerous high-quality published
potentials, including 2Body, 3Body &
embedded atom models (EAM) covering
crystals, metals, ceramics, semi-conductors,
solutions, liquids, gases, organic systems,
polymers and biomolecules
- Potential Editor manages the entry of
and access to potential forms and parameters
in the Potential Library. Materials Explorer
includes Potential Parameter Optimization
Module that helps to develop parameters for
non-bonded interaction
Powerful Analysis
- Monitoring Module shows 2D graphs of
temperature, pressure, internal energy, and
other thermodynamic properties varying as a
function of time
- 3D Atomic Configuration Module displays
the snapshot, trajectory, and animation of
collective atomic configurations
- MSD Module calculates the mean square
displacement (MSD) from the output data. It
also displays a 2D graph of the MSD, and the
self-diffusion coefficient of each molecule
- PCF Module calculates the pair
correlation function, radial distribution
function, and running integration number,
and displays the corresponding 2D graphs
- Interference Function Module calculates
X-ray and neutron diffraction based on the
pair correlation function
- Voronoi Module calculates the number of
Voronoi polyhedra and the number of polygons
of polyhedra
- Internal Coordinate Module calculates
the bond lengths, bond angles, dihedral
angles, or out-of-plane angles of the
specified molecule type and displays the
distribution in a histogram
- Velocity Auto-Correlation Function &
Spectrum Module calculates auto-correlation
function and the spectrum based on Wiener-Khintchin's
- Modulus of Elasticity Module calculates
modulus of elasticity from the fluctuation
- Rotation Auto-Correlation Function
Module calculates rotational
auto-correlation function and the spectrum
- Shear Viscosity Module calculates
viscosity coefficients from Green-Kubo
- Physical
Properties Evaluation Module calculates
density, crystal cell unit, self-diffusion
coefficient, static dielectric constant,
isothermal compressibility, and shear